
Play, Work and Live

Looking into a near future I figure I’m going have to work 8 hours a day, sleep 8 hours a day and then have 8 hours a day to myself. This does not include things like getting ready for work, commute or shopping/cooking. At the end of the day I’m only going to have a few hours to do what I want for the next 40 years or so! It's crazy! I'm this person that will pick quality of life over standard of living and I have always felt such kind of routines take tolls on one's mental health. This, I think, highlights a bigger issue like many workplaces don't appreciate their employees. I'd quite happily work for a 3rd of my life with team of people who I got along with, with a boss that appreciates me. Work can be fulfilling and enjoyable. But being forced to work under a boss that doesn't care if you live or die (as long as your work gets done) can only be described as hell. Working in hell for 40 years! It's a pile up of stress. Plus, there's issue o...

Anti-intelectualism of the web among others

I think people will realise that information is more reliable from libraries, where the books aren't trying to get clicks or ad revenue, and the internet is best used for entertainment and commerce. People would say the internet was good until about 2007/2008 when the first iPhone came out. Tumblr launched, Facebook launched, Twitter, and many other social media services, and as the smartphone era boomed and everybody and their dog had access to the internet, and big corporate figured out how to make a dime from every corner of the it. The Internet is a knowledge base but its truth are shifted. Since every small business and big corporation figured out how to draw in traffic into their websites and make search engines force their names on top of the list, false information has found ways to filter through and sit on the front pages of the web. You only see search engine optimized articles, ads, corporate companies websites, buzzfeed showing up while potentially richer c...

The Ovary Lottery and the Lucky Sperm Club

It has been said that the biggest luck in life is which family you are born into, which parents you are born into, whose pairs of legs you fell through. Not only that, they said the zip code you're raised in is the most accurate predictor of future success. More than sex, race, even IQ! Check  here ,  here  and there . I'll drop few support opinions here, but before that, I want us to know that there are differences between  standards of living  and quality of life. Also, I don't want us to confuse happiness  with satisfaction or confuse providing amenities to a child  with  raising a child . All I have stylised in bold won't be significant in my oncoming opinions when it is thought of in isolation, but when other things are taken into consideration, you'll see that being successful is a factor of many things that differ from people to people, and it's more than being born to rich parents or in developed countries. To give you a g...

Social Privacy

I detest the idea of having to be glued to my phone all day in fear of offending someone if I don’t answer their texts or calls or people thinking that my capacity for social interactions has affected how much I love and care for them. No, I'm alright I'm just not in the mood or not available to chat or reply. Absolutely, I don't know why it became a must to be reachable 24/7 because I now own a mobile phone.  I understand people don't like knowing they've been blatantly ignored but they shouldn't take it personally. People have their own things to deal with and I think it's selfish when people assume that others should be readily available whenever called upon. But I think I'm wrong. It's totally bad behavior to constantly ignore someone who are genuinely craving to share some moments with you. You may mean a world to them, and if you ignore them for your own sake, they might lose interest or enthusiasm they have for you. But if it reach...

When will we see a rapper go platinum first week again?

It could definitely happen. Just needs to be an artist that appeals to pretty much every subgenre of rap (and pop for that matter) and have an insanely hyped marketing push for the release along with a perfect release window. Alot of things have to align perfectly but it's possible. Drake is the name on everyone's lip. Kendrick Lamar too. Drake's got pretty  close with Scorpion, I honestly think he could do it if he announced a retirement album or something that would generate huge hype. Drake didn’t go platinum first week with Scorpion. Drake had God’s Plan & Nice For What as singles, which were inescapable throughout the first half of 2018. His beef with Pusha T was still fresh in everyone’s mind leading up to the release of Scorpion and fans were eager to hear if he would address him on the album. Spotify literally made Drake the face of every Spotify playlist the day it dropped to promote the album. And the entire album was a double album composed of 25 ...

Unrealism of Social Media

"Life's becoming unrealistic and everything now seems calculated." These are the words of someone who have thought abstractly about our social lives. Every emotions, thoughts and reactions have been planned and dictated in the social media. Technology have stripped our real social lives of it's raw and organic reality. See, we've been installed into a system in which we're reliant on the illusion of constant connectivity through social media. Anyone feeling detached is experiencing the disillusionment in their active perception of reality. A lot of people feel this way, so, if you do, know that you're not alone. Bit I'm not here to make you sadder by talking about the problem, I'm here to cheer you up by talking about the solution! How do we escape this social illusion? I'll give you seven points: 1. Do things that add to your soul: You're human (I hope you're not a bot crawling my page) so act like a human. Make art, do sp...

Juice Wrld "Legend Never Dies" Sells 508K first week. Things you must know about the album

That's actually so insane and it's been crazy seeing the number just get bigger and bigger. It's a bittersweet feeling seeing this album sell so much, but it's great to see so much support for Juice Wrld's work. Juice was always truthful with his severe drug addiction and he has put the sadness he felt into the album. Let's get into the details. 1. People still genuinely did not think that Juice WLRD was ever this big: I remember a couple of years ago people were calling him a depressed Post Malone. He sings sadder songs, but well, Post Malone is already a depressed Post Malone! I know a  friend who is a staunch fan of Post Malone and Juice Wrld and genuinely love their works. People who now feels Juice Wrld is taking a bigger stage are being played on the fact that Juice is no more. Yes, death works wonders for promotion. Nipsey Hussle didn't go platinum till after he died. "Supporters" tend to come out of no where after m...