Looking into a near future I figure I’m going have to work 8 hours a day, sleep 8 hours a day and then have 8 hours a day to myself. This does not include things like getting ready for work, commute or shopping/cooking. At the end of the day I’m only going to have a few hours to do what I want for the next 40 years or so! It's crazy! I'm this person that will pick quality of life over standard of living and I have always felt such kind of routines take tolls on one's mental health. This, I think, highlights a bigger issue like many workplaces don't appreciate their employees. I'd quite happily work for a 3rd of my life with team of people who I got along with, with a boss that appreciates me. Work can be fulfilling and enjoyable. But being forced to work under a boss that doesn't care if you live or die (as long as your work gets done) can only be described as hell. Working in hell for 40 years! It's a pile up of stress. Plus, there's issue of job security. Some job environments are constantly threatened, you need to work for X long years to earn a retirement and earning it pays out a staggering small amount per month for 20 years. So that even with social/welfare benefits, that's far from enough to live on. It's insulting as it is to work so diligently for many years only to finish off whatever is left of your live.
People will say "It is what it is" or "That’s what everyone has to do,” or “That’s how it has always been.” "That's how life works". People have strictly obeyed this rule of working 8 to 4 a day, 5 in 7 a week and saved up enough to support their retirement but met health challenges, some died a little after retirement. They have worked like donkeys, their whole lives has been minimal free time and planned to live their best lives after retirement with their hustled money but they only had to enjoy it for a few months. Experiences like this teach the very important lesson— the future is never guaranteed. Even if you manage to retire on time and have saved money to travel like you planned, you may not have your mobility or health that would allow you to do so. It's a disappointment.
Play, work and live. We've definitely seen that if we want to enjoy life while working there's no procrastination, do it now. Enjoy it now. We must try not to make work overtake our own health or happiness. The stress build up, right, then we look for ways to ease it out and obliviate it. We will always work to keep systems or processes from breakdown, we will always have problems to solve. Whether we work or not, we will always have reasons to work. So, as I guy that upholds quality of life, I believe you should live a life that cherishes you. I understand people who find themselves in these situations aren't at fault, they have been locked in. The reason a lot of people have to work is money. They don't really like the job and they know the job is killing them, but they needed to pay bills, support family, survive, put some clothes on etc. Without the job their lives might be much more miserable. For such people, I have nothing more to say than to make them more aware of their situation and hope they get a better live, one they'll be happy with. This blog post isn't about to how manage finances or make money, or avoid debts or clear them, but I recommend they look into them.
Play, work and live. The best bet I to try to get a job that's realistic and you'll enjoy. Find something you enjoy doing, and prepare to switch or branch out now and then, because what you enjoy now may not be what you do in ten years' time. You definitely need freedom if you agree with me, so find something that allows for the freedom you need, however much freedom that is, or try to look for time that'll give you freedom. Find something that is just challenging enough - whatever that means for you. Something that will keep you on your toes, give you a little thrill now and then, but not make you feel exhausted. But what if there's nothing you will even enjoy? At least without going to school for a ridiculous and unaffordable amount of time. And unfortunately, you're not a genius or incredibly smart so you can't compete in programs like that, you would just be miserable. you have no idea what to do, you don't like any potential careers and it's depressing that you'll just have to kinda randomly pick something and be bored out of your mind spending most of your life doing it for the next 4 decades! I think, it's just an overthinking, as a young person there's so much life ahead that's yet to be lived, you can't judge what will come by how things are right now. I can't promise you a better life ahead (in fact, there will be some terrifying years ahead), there's really no guarantee of happiness, but it helps by keeping a positive mindset, say and imagine things that keeps you positive and healthy.
Play, work and live. Now let me back up a while. Where did we get the idea that life is supposed to be all flowers and rainbows most of the time? Or even some of the time? When did we start think that we are supposed to have time to take care of ourselves or enjoy the life we can't control? People in early civilizations didn’t have the option to retire at all. They didn't have much free time like we have right now. They simply fought for survival every day until they got sick, or injured, or couldn’t find enough food, or got hit by bad weather. This is to say life inherently, is not a vacation and the fact that we even have an option to retire or a will to put time aside to enjoy ourselves eventually (we now have much time to complain!) is a huge improvement on societies that came before us and given us the ability to live a more fulfilling life and make most of our cards.
Lastly, play, work and live. The job system doesn't care about health, family, free time, or your hobbies. They don't care about you, they only care what you have to offer. You're replaceable, you have to look for a way to play, work and live. Don't wait until you're too old to enjoy yourself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not preaching laziness. Every successful person who made it from nothing and became leaders actually work hard and some of the hardest working people I know are poor. It doesn't make much sense that much but what this post preaches is, be you poor or rich, black or white, young or old, play work and live and enjoy your job!
Posted by Kompleksanda
Follow me everywhere @kompleksanda
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