Music Against The World We know everybody has their taste in music, you know why? Probably because everybody is different which is really the big thing. Yeah, I agree to some point. But come to think of it, why is it that a beautiful painting from an unknown artists looks appealing to almost everyone, both artist and non-artist? Even if you aren't a fan of graffiti, you will sure admire one if you see it. But in music, many good, beautiful songs gets released everyday by unknown artist and little or no people give that an attention. I am going to take you on a journey of comparisons between a painting and a music, trying to explain why music is such the way it is. Painting Over Music First humans are visual animals, our primary source of information comes from our eyes. That is we involuntarily infer many meanings from what we see. Hearing is a secondary sensory ability, we mainly use it for the purpose of language or communication. Therefore we don't involuntaril...